
zargona idrees
2 min readJun 18, 2020

Coronavirus is a virus which spreads very spreads only by touch,cough and terrible thing about it is scientist cannot see it even by microscopes.

it has became a serious threat not only for people but alsomfor our country economy.Many people has suffered and died due to this.our scientist and doctors have not discovered any solution or remedy for this dieseas.

Due to this virus we have to face a serious and bad situation of lockdown.Due to lockdown it has became very difficult for a poor person to earn and live a peaceful life.Many people is living hand to mouth life.They cannot follow lockdown and they start earning hidely.

it has became a big opporunity for doctors to earn alot.they intentionally diagnosed COVID-19 in patients and force them to take this test.While patients do not have COVID-19 virus symptoms of fever,cough and throatache.

Doctors keep patients in hospital .After somedays ,they inject dangerous and poisonous injection to patient for sake of money.

Doctors want to earn 5 lakh by the dead bodies of patients.They kept patient and said them,we know your patient have died by cancer.But you will get dead body of your patient by only one way that you will have to sign a paper here that he died from COVID-19.

Then pay only 5 lakh ang get your dead body otherwise leave the dead body in storage room and go back to your home.What a graet chance for doctorn for becoming rich and blackmail our public by just a degree of MBBS.

They get this opportunity from our goverment .According to me,Goverment is not performing well and our Goverment should take proper action againts this shame ful act of doctors.While we all know here is no a proper medicine and vaccination for this dieases.

Our Gourment should allow to open all shops,resturants,malls and even gardens with a proper SOPS and law.Law should be everyone will maintain social distance ,wear mask,use sanitizer befoer entering and leaving any place Otherwse they have to be fined and punished for it.I like this action of my goverment NO MASK NO SERVICE.

it has became a hot cake issue in our lives and for country economy.Its only my point of view about this topic .Every one has its own point of view about this topic.



zargona idrees

i write about current situations or intersting topics i like in my life.